only Hadu.dll + Hadu.ini currently) in the same directory, as indicated hereafter: * ProgDVB : main directory of the DVB software (or /Plugins subdirectory for version 4.38 or later of ProgDVB) * Alt-DVB : /Plugins (or /Plugins/av0) subdirectory, and/or /Plugins/pip subdirectory for the pip, and others (/Plugins/av1 to Plugins/av2 * MyTheater, RitzDVB: /Plugins subdirectory (to use Hadu as a DVBCore plugin). With DVBViewer, use it as DVBViewer plugin instead of using it with SoftCSA.Don’t use two or more CardSharing Clients and/or SoftCam Emulators at the same time (like Yankse, S2Emu or VPlug), unless you know perfectly what you are doing.Directories of installation for the main DVB softwares:-Put all the files (i.e. for old versions of ProgDVB), or a given subdirectory (i.e./Plugins for MyTheater and Alt-DVB, …).As it is compatible with the DVBCore API, use it as a DVBCore plugin (for DVBCore softwares) instead of using it with MDWrapper.

It can be the directory of the software (i.e. Currently, it only supports the CCCam protocol (without the AU option).Installation:-Just put Hadu.dll and Hadu.ini into the directory affected to plugins, regarding your current DVB software. It works as a MD plugin, a DVBCore plugin (eg. Find latest release and changelogs here.Download Hadu 0.116Hadu is a CardSharing Client plugin for DVB softwares on PC using DVB TV-Cards (Windows). Version Beta was released Jthis was a initial Beta Test release. Finally a CCCam client for windows is available.

Hadu CCCam client Plugin for windowsAug– 23:28While I’m testing my new satellite setup for a HTPC that has yet to be build I found a really usefull DVB plugin everybody should hear about. PluginActive=1KeyPath2=UsePSITables=1SurveyPMT=1UsePATforPMT=0DontUpdViewer=0UseDVBTime=1Ma圎CMPIDs=2MaxConnections=4DisplayIPorURL=1ECMTimeOut=3LogMessages=0LogMessLevel=1DVBViewerAPI=0DVBViewerAllAudio=1DVBViewerCSAStat=0MDRoot=0DescrCommand=XorEven=XorOdd=UseTT=0 Sample for a CCCam server - Server declaration (mandatory) : Mandatory parameter : Server=Protocol:Server:Port:(unused):Username:Password Sample: Server=CCCam::12000:0:MyUsername:MyPassword Optional parameters : Active= ( or 0) TimeOut= (0=None, or 3-7 seconds.